Have your say on Yachting World and get a chance to win a case of wine

We’re running a survey to find out more about your views on Yachting World.

Have your say on Yachting World and get a chance to win a case of wine MARINE.survey social LANDSCAPE4 yw 300x188 1 BB Yacht Charter Marbella

From refits to racing — and much more besides — we cover a lot of different topics at Yachting World. Now, we’d love to hear more from you, the readers, about your thoughts on the stories we produce, and your own interests and hobbies.

The survey takes 10 to 15 minutes. To take part, go to yachtingworld.com/readersurvey — you’ll be redirected to the Yachting World survey page.

Please rest assured that we will treat all your information in complete confidence. You don’t even have to share your name or email address, unless you’d like to be entered in the prize draw to win an award-winning case of wine from the Decanter World Wine Awards.

The small print

The survey runs until 23:59 on August 31. Full prize draw Ts&Cs can be read here: futureplc.com/competition-rules

To enter the prize draw, you need to be over 18 years old and living in the UK (excl. Channel Islands). Please provide your name and email address at the end of the survey. It will be used only for prize draw purposes – winners will be notified via email by September 30. No cash alternative will be offered.

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